Gyu-Jeong Noh, MD, PhD
Phase 1 trial
- Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling, Microorganism Growth and Compatibility Study of Aquafol(R), A Newly Developed Lipid Microemulsion Formulation of Propofol
- Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Remifentanil in Health Volunteers
- Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Characteristics of 8% polyethylene glycol 660 hydroxystearate and 5% tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol polyethylene glycol ether in Health Volunteers, Phase 1 Trial
- Open Label Clinical Trial for the Cytochrome P450 Metabolic Capacity in Korean Healthy Males
- Simultaneous Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Remifentanil in Health Volunteers
- Pharmacokinetics of Mazindol in Healthy Volunteers, Phase 1 Trial
Phase 3 trial
- A Randomized, Double blind, Active-controlled Multicenter Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Anti-emetic Prophylactic Efficacy of Ondansetron on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients with Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia
- A Multi-center, Single Blinded, Randomized, Active-Controlled, Parallel, Phase 3 Clinical Trial to Assess The Efficacy and Safety of Aquafol(R) in Patients Scheduled for Elective Surgery under General Anesthesia
Other clinical trial related to PK
- Once-Daily versus Four Times-Daily Intravenous Busulfan given as Conditioning for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation : a Prospective Randomized Comparison
- Lee SH, Bae CS, Noh GJ, Bae KS, Kim JY, Chung BH. The assessment of anesthetic depth by quantitative electroencephalography in intravenous anesthesia by intermittent bolus injection. Korean J Vet Res 2005; 45: 131-7.
- Lee SH, Noh GJ, Chung BH. Monitoring of anesthetic depth with q-EEG (quantitative EEG) in TIVA (total intravenous anesthesia) and VIMA (volatile induction/maintenance anesthesia). Korean J Vet Res 2006; 46: 47~55.
- Noh GJ, Kim KM, Jeong YB, Jeong SW, Yoon HS, Jeong SM, Kang SH, Linares O, Kern SE. Electroencephalographic Approximate Entropy Changes in Healthy Volunteers during Remifentanil Infusion. Anesthesiology 2006; 104: 921-32.
- Choi BM, Jung SM, Bae KS, Noh GJ. Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling in Beagle Dogs Sedated by Propofol Microemulsion. Korean J Anesthesiol 2006; 50: 689-97.
- Kim KM, Choi BM, Park SW, Lee SH, Christensen LV, Zhou J, Yoo BH, Shin HW, Bae KS, Kern SE, Kang SH, Noh GJ. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Propofol Microemulsion and Lipid Emulsion Following an Intravenous Bolus and Variable Rate Infusion. 2007; 106:924-34.
- Kang SH, Poynton M, Kim KM, Lee H, Kim DH, Lee SH, Bae KS, Linares O, Kern SE, Noh GJ. Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Models of Remifentanil in Healthy Volunteers Using Artificial Neural Network Analysis. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2007 Feb 22; [Epub ahead of print]
Original Articles
- Lee YH, Kwon GY, Park DY, Bang JY, Jang DM, Lee SH, Lee EK, Choi BM, Noh GJ: Efficiency of a New Mesh-Type Nebulizer (NE-SM1 NEPLUS) for Intrapulmonary Delivery of Ipratropium Bromide in Surgical Patients. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2015
- Lee SH, Kim SH, Noh YH, Choi BM, Noh GJ, Park WD, Kim EJ, Cho IH, Bae CS: Pharmacokinetics of Memantine after a Single and Multiple Dose of Oral and Patch Administration in Rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2015
- Lee CH, Lee SH, Kim JH, Noh YH, Noh GJ, Lee SW: Pharmacokinetics of a Cholesterol-conjugated Aptamer Against the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) NS5B Protein. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 2015; 4: e254
- Kim PJ, Kim HG, Noh GJ, Koo YS, Shin TJ: Usefulness of permutation entropy as an anesthetic depth indicator in children. J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn 2015; 42: 123-34
- Choi BM, Park SK, Shin S, Cho YP, Kwon TW, Choi YJ, Lee EK, Noh GJ: Neurologic Derangement and Regional Cerebral Oxygen Desaturation Associated With Patency of the Circle of Willis During Carotid Endarterectomy. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2015; 29: 1200-5
- Choi BM, Lee SH, An SM, Park do Y, Lee GW, Noh GJ: The time-course and RNA interference of TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-1beta expression on neuropathic pain induced by L5 spinal nerve transection in rats. Korean J Anesthesiol 2015; 68: 159-69
- Choi BM, Lee HG, Byon HJ, Lee SH, Lee EK, Kim HS, Noh GJ: Population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model of propofol externally validated in children. J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn 2015; 42: 163-77
- Byon HJ, Choi BM, Bang JY, Lee EK, Lee SS, Noh GJ: An Open-label Comparison of a New Generic Sevoflurane Formulation With Original Sevoflurane in Patients Scheduled for Elective Surgery Under General Anesthesia. Clin Ther 2015
- Shin TJ, Noh GJ, Koo YS, Han DW: Modeling of recovery profiles in mentally disabled and intact patients after sevoflurane anesthesia; a pharmacodynamic analysis. Yonsei Med J 2014; 55: 1624-30
- Lee SH, Kang HJ, Jin SJ, Park DY, Choi YJ, Choi BM, Lee EK, Noh GJ: Impact of aminophylline on the pharmacodynamics of propofol in beagle dogs. J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn 2014
- Blain-Moraes S, Lee U, Ku S, Noh G, Mashour GA: Electroencephalographic effects of ketamine on power, cross-frequency coupling, and connectivity in the alpha bandwidth. Front Syst Neurosci 2014; 8: 114
- Seo JH, Park JS, Jo MH, Park MS, Ryu JH, Cho YW, Shim WS, Noh GJ, Lee KT: Rapid and sensitive LC-MS/MS method for determination of megestrol acetate in human plasma: application to a human pharmacokinetic study. Biomed Chromatogr 2013; 27: 409-15
- Sadekar S, Linares O, Noh G, Hubbard D, Ray A, Janat-Amsbury M, Peterson CM, Facelli J, Ghandehari H: Comparative Pharmacokinetics of Pamam-Oh Dendrimers and Hpma Copolymers in Ovarian-Tumor-Bearing Mice. Drug Deliv Transl Res 2013; 3: 260-271
- Lee H, Mashour GA, Noh GJ, Kim S, Lee U: Reconfiguration of Network Hub Structure after Propofol-induced Unconsciousness. Anesthesiology 2013; 119: 1347-59
- Lee CH, Lee YJ, Kim JH, Lim JH, Kim JH, Han W, Lee SH, Noh GJ, Lee SW: Inhibition of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication by specific RNA aptamers against HCV NS5B RNA replicase. J Virol 2013; 87: 7064-74
- Choi BM, Koh EH, Kim MG, Kim SH, Ok SY, Noh GJ: Temporal linear mode complexity as a surrogate measure of the anesthetic drug effects during sevoflurane anesthesia. Korean J Anesthesiol 2013; 65: 385-96
- Choi BM, Bang JY, Jung KW, Lee JH, Bae HY, Noh GJ: The comparison of predictive performance in bispectral index prediction during target effect-site controlled infusion of propofol using different blood effect-site equilibration rate constants in the same pharmacokinetic model. Korean J Anesthesiol 2013; 65: 299-305
- Lee U, Lee H, Muller M, Noh GJ, Mashour GA: Genuine and Spurious Phase Synchronization Strengths during Consciousness and General Anesthesia. PLoS One 2012; 7: e46313
- Lee SH, Park HW, Kim MJ, Noh MH, Yoon HS, Choi BM, Lee EK, Noh GJ: External validation of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models of microemulsion and long-chain triglyceride emulsion propofol in beagle dogs. J Vet Pharmacol Ther 2012; 35: 329-41
- Koo BN, Lee JR, Noh GJ, Lee JH, Kang YR, Han DW: A pharmacodynamic analysis of factors affecting recovery from anesthesia with propofol-remifentanil target controlled infusion. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2012; 33: 1080-4
- Seok K, Shim J, Cho D, Noh G, Hwang C: Semiparametric mixed-effect least squares support vector machine for analyzing pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data. Neurocomputing 2011; 74: 3412-3419
- Lee U, Muller M, Noh GJ, Choi B, Mashour GA: Dissociable Network Properties of Anesthetic State Transitions. Anesthesiology 2011; 114: 872-881
- Ku SW, Lee U, Noh GJ, Jun IG, Mashour GA: Preferential inhibition of frontal-to-parietal feedback connectivity is a neurophysiologic correlate of general anesthesia in surgical patients. PLoS One 2011; 6: e25155
- Kim SD, Lee JH, Hur EH, Lee JH, Kim DY, Lim SN, Choi Y, Lim HS, Bae KS, Noh GJ, Yun SC, Han SB, Lee KH: Influence of GST gene polymorphisms on the clearance of intravenous busulfan in adult patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2011; 17: 1222-30
- Jin SJ, Jung JY, Noh MH, Lee SH, Lee EK, Choi BM, Song MH, Noh GJ: The population pharmacokinetics of fentanyl in patients undergoing living-donor liver transplantation. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 2011; 90: 423-31
- Choi BM, Shin DH, Noh MH, Kim YH, Jeong YB, Lee SH, Lee EK, Noh GJ: Temporal linear mode complexity as a surrogate measure of the effect of remifentanil on the central nervous system in healthy volunteers. British journal of clinical pharmacology 2011; 71: 871-85
- Man M, Farmen M, Dumaual C, Teng CH, Moser B, Irie S, Noh GJ, Njau R, Close S, Wise S, Hockett R: Genetic variation in metabolizing enzyme and transporter genes: comprehensive assessment in 3 major East Asian subpopulations with comparison to Caucasians and Africans. J Clin Pharmacol 2010; 50: 929-40
- Lee U, Oh G, Kim S, Noh G, Choi B, Mashour GA: Brain networks maintain a scale-free organization across consciousness, anesthesia, and recovery: evidence for adaptive reconfiguration. Anesthesiology 2010; 113: 1081-91
- Ki KH, Park DY, Lee SH, Kim NY, Choi BM, Noh GJ: The optimal concentration of siRNA for gene silencing in primary cultured astrocytes and microglial cells of rats. Korean J Anesthesiol 2010; 59: 403-10
- Jung JA, Choi BM, Cho SH, Choe SM, Ghim JL, Lee HM, Roh YJ, Noh GJ: Effectiveness, safety, and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of microemulsion propofol in patients undergoing elective surgery under total intravenous anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth 2010; 104: 563-76
- Sim JY, Lee SH, Park DY, Jung JA, Ki KH, Lee DH, Noh GJ: Pain on injection with microemulsion propofol. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2009; 67: 316-25
- Poynton MR, Choi BM, Kim YM, Park IS, Noh GJ, Hong SO, Boo YK, Kang SH: Machine Learning Methods Applied to Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Remifentanil in Healthy Volunteers: a Multi-method Comparison. J Int Med Res 2009; 37: 1680-91
- Lee U, Mashour GA, Kim S, Noh GJ, Choi BM: Propofol induction reduces the capacity for neural information integration: implications for the mechanism of consciousness and general anesthesia. Conscious Cogn 2009; 18: 56-64
- Lee U, Kim S, Noh GJ, Choi BM, Hwang E, Mashour GA: The directionality and functional organization of frontoparietal connectivity during consciousness and anesthesia in humans. Conscious Cogn 2009; 18: 1069-78
- Lee SH, Ghim JL, Song MH, Choi HG, Choi BM, Lee HM, Lee EK, Roh YJ, Noh GJ: Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a new reformulated microemulsion and the long-chain triglyceride emulsion of propofol in beagle dogs. Br J Pharmacol 2009; 158: 1982-95
- Kim GY, Bae KS, Noh GJ, Min WK: Estimation of indocyanine green elimination rate constant k and retention rate at 15 min using patient age, weight, bilirubin, and albumin. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2009; 16: 521-8
- Lee SH, Jaekal J, Bae CS, Chung BH, Yun SC, Gwak MJ, Noh GJ, Lee DH: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, single radial immunodiffusion, and indirect methods for the detection of failure of transfer of passive immunity in dairy calves. J Vet Intern Med 2008; 22: 212-8
- Lee EH, Lee SH, Park DY, Ki KH, Lee EK, Lee DH, Noh GJ: Physicochemical properties, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of a reformulated microemulsion propofol in rats. Anesthesiology 2008; 109: 436-47
- Ryu SG, Lee JH, Choi SJ, Lee YS, Seol M, Hur EH, Lee SH, Bae KS, Noh GJ, Lee MS, Yun SC, Han SB, Lee KH: Randomized comparison of four-times-daily versus once-daily intravenous busulfan in conditioning therapy for hematopoietic cell transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2007; 13: 1095-105
- Kim KM, Choi BM, Park SW, Lee SH, Christensen LV, Zhou J, Yoo BH, Shin HW, Bae KS, Kern SE, Kang SH, Noh GJ: Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of propofol microemulsion and lipid emulsion after an intravenous bolus and variable rate infusion. Anesthesiology 2007; 106: 924-34
- Kang SH, Poynton MR, Kim KM, Lee H, Kim DH, Lee SH, Bae KS, Linares O, Kern SE, Noh GJ: Population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models of remifentanil in healthy volunteers using artificial neural network analysis. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2007; 64: 3-13
- Choi BM, Jung SM, Bae KS, Noh GJ. Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling in Beagle Dogs Sedated by Propofol Microemulsion. Korean J Anesthesiol 2006; 50: 689-97.
- Noh GJ, Kim KM, Jeong YB, Jeong SW, Yoon HS, Jeong SM, Kang SH, Linares O, Kern SE. Electroencephalographic Approximate Entropy Changes in Healthy Volunteers during Remifentanil Infusion. Anesthesiology 2006; 104: 921-32.
- Lee SH, Noh GJ, Chung BH. Monitoring of anesthetic depth with q-EEG (quantitative EEG) in TIVA (total intravenous anesthesia) and VIMA (volatile induction/maintenance anesthesia). Korean J Vet Res 2006; 46: 47-55.
- Lee SH, Bae CS, Noh GJ, Bae KS, Kim JY, Chung BH. The assessment of anesthetic depth by quantitative electroencephalography in intravenous anesthesia by intermittent bolus injection. Korean J Vet Res 2005; 45: 131-7.
- Kim KM, Jeon WJ, Lee DH, Kang WC, Kim JH, Noh GJ. Changes in visual and auditory response time during conscious sedation with propofol. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2004; 48: 1033-7.
- Lee JK, Chung SL, Noh GJ. Effect-site Target-Controlled Infusion of Propofol and Alfentanil for Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Insertion in Ambulatory Breast Surgery without Neuromuscular Blockade. Korean J Anesthesiol 2004; 47: 42-7.
- Choi BM, Chung SL, Noh GJ. Changes of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate According to the Effect-Site Concentrations of Alfentanil during Endotracheal Intubation with the Effect-Site Concentration of Propofol Fixed at 4 ㎍/㎖. Korean J Anesthesiol 2004; 47: 155-61.
- Ku SW, Lee JY, Chung SL, Noh GJ. Patient-controlled Sedation with Propofol and Alfentanil during Colonofiberscopy. Korean J Anesthesiol 2004; 47: 321-6.
- Hwang JW, Lee JK, Jeon YT, Kang JM, Oh YS, Noh GJ, Kim HC. Preanesthetic Evaluation of Electircal Burns: High-Voltage vs Low-Voltage. Intravenous Anesthesia 2004; 8: 8-14.
- Ku SW, Noh GJ, Kim JU, Park SJ, Lee HJ, Lee SK, Lee JY, Lee YM. Effect of Etomidate on Kainic Acid induced Neurotoxicity in Rat Cortical Neurons. Intravenous Anesthesia 2004; 8: 95-100.
- Jeong SM, Lee JY, Noh GJ. Acute Toxicity and Anesthetic Effects of Nano-Particle Formulation of Propofol in Animals. Intravenous Anesthesia 2004; 8: 101-13.
- Jeon WJ, Noh GJ, Shim JH, Cho SY, Yeom JH, Shin WJ, and Kim KH. The Assessment of Explicit Memory and Implicit Memory after General Anesthesia for Cesarean Section Using the Process Dissociation Procedure. Korean J Anesthesiol 2003; 45: 78-86.
- Noh GJ, Lee DH. Is It Mandatory to Incise Immediately after Intubation in Cesarean Section? Korean J Anesthesiol 2001; 40: 182-7.
- Yeom JH, Cho SY, Shin WJ, Noh GJ, Lee DH, Kim DW, Jun JH, Shim JC, Suh JK, Yoo HK. The Effect of Fentanyl and Ketorolac in Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting and the Effect of Prophylactic Ondansetron. Korean J Anesthesiol 2001; 40: 359-63.
- Noh GJ, Jeon WJ. The Changes of Reaction Time to Visual and Auditory Stimulations during Propofol Administration for Conscious Sedation. Korean J Anesthesiol 2001; 40: 707-715.
- Noh GJ, Jeon WJ. The Effects of High Frequency Jet Ventilation to the Collapsed Lung on Systemic Oxygenation during One Lung Ventilation. Korean J Anesthesiol 2001; 40: 728-732.
- Noh GJ, Jeon WJ. The Effects of Small Intravenous Doses of Midazolam on Explicit Recall and the Bispectral Index after Fetal Expulsion in a Cesarean Section under General Anesthesia. Korean J Anesthesiol 2001; 40: 738-744.
- Jeon WJ, Noh GJ, Lee DH. The Assessment of Depth of Sedation Using Reaction Time to Auditory Stimulation during Propofol Administration. Intravenous Anesthesia 2001; 5: 168-77.
- Kim YC, Lee SH, Noh GJ, Cho SY, Yeom JH, Shin WJ, Lee DH, Ryu JS, Park YS, Cha KJ, Lee SC. Thermosoftening treatment of the nasotracheal tube before intubation can reduce epistaxis and nasal damage. Anesth Analg 2000; 91: 698-701.
- Noh GJ, Cho SY, Yeom JH, Shin WJ, Kim YC, Lee DH. Noninvasive Cardiovascular and Respiratory System Monitoring in Laparoscopic Cholesystectomy. Korean J Anesthesiol 2000; 39: 303-308.
- Cho SY, Noh GJ, Yeom JH, Shin WJ, Kim YC, Kim KH, Lee DH. The Effect of Prone Position on Pulmonary Compliances by Anesthesia Duration. Korean J Anesthesiol 2000; 38: 997-1001.